

One of the most grateful things in my life is having the best of the best friend. I don't have a lot of friend but i am grateful to have just of them in my life, really!! Like the quote said "Have Less But The Best" totally agreed on that.  Life is hard, full of disappointing things, and a lot more. But when you were surrounded by people you love, and also loves you, life can be much more beautiful, easier, and even more worth it, trust me!!! My friends, they're different people, they don't have the same traits, personalities and a lot more. But, my point is that friends are not the same people as us, in fact the differences make us way better, because we complement each other.  Having friends who have their own thoughts on something, have their own love languages and even have their own problems are all the best for me, i love being surrounded by them.  I love being attached to them, being their trouble, disturbing them, crying with them, laughing on something we


Bukankah menjadi dewasa adalah hal yang kita tunggu?? Sedari kecil, kita selalu berharap untuk cepat tumbuh dan menjadi dewasa. Anak kecil yang berpikir bahwa dewasa itu menyenangkan. Ingin mandiri, bebas, tak ada yang mengatur, dan hal-hal dewasa lain yang anak kecil pikirkan :) Kemana anak kecil itu sekarang ?? Apakah sudah senang menjadi dewasa? Apakah sudah berhasil menjadi dewasa? Ataukah malah menyesal menjadi dewasa? Nyatanya, kata ' dewasa ' tidak pernah semudah itu. Nyatanya, dewasa menjadi mimpi buruk untuk mereka yang sedang berada di sana. Mimpi buruk yang panjang :( Kasihan anak kecil tadi, berharap banyak dari kata ' dewasa '. Adik kecil, jangan mau jadi dewasa. Susah. Capek. Mending jadi anak kecil saja, masih bisa bermanja, masih bisa tersuruh, masih bisa terkurung, yang paling penting masih bisa bobo siang :D Kalau waktunya tiba nanti untuk menjadi dewasa, adik kecil jalani saja. Kalau adik kecil sedih? Yasudah nangis saja. Kalau adik kecil capek? Yasud


Welcoming my self to my first "coretan" (tepuk tangan).  well actually this is my very first time doing this, after a long way of thinking wkwkwk finally made my decision to write on a blogspot yippiiii (pls shout out to me :D) Actually i have no idea, what kind of "coretan" i would made. but i trust my self ??!! so lets just take it slow and let it happen, right?? of course, this is how i try to push my self for "learning n growing" cuz, i've been doubting my self for a very long time but now i realize that the only person who can help me to grow is myself and yeah she better do it or she will regret this for her whole life. (kinda great motivation, dont you think?? wkwkwkw) ohh yeahhh, so maybe (im not sure either) i will doing my "coretan" in 2 different languages, bahasa and english.  why would i do that? because i have no place to practice my writing skills in english so ofc this would be a great chance for me to learning (im not good at